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The Village of Swanton's legislation plays a crucial role in guiding the community's growth, governance, and daily operations. Residents can access information on pending legislation, ordinances, and resolutions that shape local policies and decisions. These legislative documents are essential for maintaining transparency and ensuring that the Village Council's actions align with the community's needs and priorities. 



Ordinance 2025-01 An Ordinance of the Village of Swanton Supporting the Ohio Municipal League’s Challenge Of At&T’s Tariff Application at The Public Utilities Commission Of Ohio and Declaring an Emergency

Ordinance 2025-02 Amending Chapter 97 Right-Of-Way Permit Section 97.06 Fees and Expenses of the Codified Ordinances of the Village of Swanton, Ohio and Declaring an Emergency

Ordinance 2025-03 Accepting Annexation of 168.51 Acre of Land, More or Less, in Swanton Township to The Village of Swanton, Lucas County, Ohio, on Petition by Murbach, Inc., JBM Farms, LLLC., AGS, LLC. and Declaring an Emergency

Ordinance 2025-04 Amending Chapter 53 Fees and Parts Section 53.01 Fees of the Codified Ordinances of the Village of Swanton, Ohio and Declaring an Emergency

Ordinance 2025-05 Indicating the Village of Swanton, Fulton County, Ohio, will provide Utilities, Fire and Police Protection Services to Certain Property Titled Murbach, Inc., JBM Farms., LLC, AGS, LLC. which Holders Are Seeking Annexation of Said Property Pursuant to Lucas County Annexation Petition Filed with The Lucas County Commissioners on January 13,2025 to Annex into the Village of Swanton and Declaring an Emergency


Ordinance 2025-06 Amending Ordinance 2025-02 & Chapter 97 Right-Of-Way Permit Section 97.06 Fees and Expenses of the Codified Ordinances of the Village of Swanton, Ohio and Declaring an Emergency

Ordinance 2025-07 Amend Title XV: Land Use, Chapter 150: Zoning Code, Article 150.27 Business and Industrial District Regulations. Section 150.278 Accessory Buildings of the Codified Ordinances


Ordinance 2024-01 Prohibiting the Cultivation of Marijuana within the Village of Swanton

Ordinance 2024-02 Approving the Permanent Appropriations to Provide for the Current Expenses and Other Expenditures during the Fiscal Year ending December 31, 2024; and Declaring an Emergency

Ordinance 2024-03 Final Reading Amending Ordinance 2022-25 and Approving the Expanding/ New Boundaries of the Village of Swanton’s DORA

Ordinance 2024-04 Authorizing the Village Administrator and/or Fiscal Officer to Apply for, an increase to the Water Supply Revolving Loan Account (WSRLA) Agreement on behalf of The Village of Swanton for Planning, Design, and/or Construction of Water Treatment Plant Membrane Softening Improvements and Designating a Dedicated Repayment Source for the Loan and Declaring an Emergency

Ordinance 2024-05 Second Reading Declaring the Necessity to Assess All Properties in The Village of Swanton, Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 727.01. Et Seq. for the Cost of Leaf Collection, Approving Plans, Establishing Tentative Assessments, and Method of Payment

Ordinance 2024-06 Second Reading Declaring the Necessity to Assess All Properties in The Village of Swanton, Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 727.01. Et Seq. for the Cost of Street Lighting, Approving Plans, Establishing Tentative Assessments, and Method of Payment

Ordinance 2024-07 Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into an Agreement with the Ohio Department Of Transportation (ODOT) to Rehabilitate Bridges, Resurface Pavement and Perform Related Work on State Route 64 (Exhibit A) And Declaring An Emergency

Ordinance 2024-08 Amending the Codified Ordinance Title XV: Land Usage, Chapter 150 and Declaring an Emergency

Ordinance 2024-09 Adopting the 2022-2026 Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan and Declaring an Emergency

Ordinance 2024-10 Authorizing Village Administrator to Enter into an Agreement for the FUL-CR1-5.12 Hallett Avenue Improvements Phase A Project and Declaring an Emergency

Ordinance 2024-11 Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into an Agreement for the FUL-CR1-5.12 Hallett Avenue Improvements Phase A Project Inspector and Declaring an Emergency

Ordinance 2024-12 Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into an Agreement for the FUL-CR1-5.12 Hallett Avenue Improvements Phase A with DGL Consulting Engineers and Declaring an Emergency

Ordinance 2024-13 Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into an Agreement with Kleinfelder for Engineering Services for Crestwood Drive Reconstruction; and Declaring an Emergency

Ordinance 2024-14 Authorizing Village Administrator to Enter into Agreement with Fulton County Commissioners Regarding Indigent Defense Services in County Court and Declaring an Emergency

Ordinance 2024-15 Authorizing of Reduced Vehicle Weight Limit on Hallett Avenue Bridge No. 392 and Declaring an Emergency

Ordinance 2024-16 Amending Sections 51.161 (A) and 51.16 (B) of the Swanton Village Codified Ordinances and to Increase Wastewater Collection and Treatment Rates for the Village of Swanton- Pending 3rd Reading

Ordinance 2024-17  Temporary Appropriations to Provide for the Current Expenses and Other Expenditures during the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2025- Pending Second Reading/Pass By Emergency 


Ordinance 2024-18 Amending Ordinance 2019-17 Amending Chapter 52 “Water” of the Codified Ordinances of Swanton, Ohio and Declaring an Emergency


Ordinance 2023-01: An Ordinance Amending the Codifies Ordinance Chapter 31 Village Council, Section 31.01 Regular and Special Meeting (A), Time of Meetings and Declaring an Emergency

Ordinance 2023-02: An Ordinance Amending the Codified Ordinance Chapter 31 Village Council, Section 31.03, Method to Determine Time & Place All of Regular & Special Meetings and Declaring an Emergency

Ordinance 2023-03: Amending the Codified Ordinance Title XV: Lande Usage, Chapters 150, 151 & 152 “Attachment A”


Ordinance 2023-04 Authorizing the Village Administrator and Mayor to Apply for, Accept, and Enter into a Water Pollution Control Loan Fund (WPCLF) Agreement on Behalf of the Village of Swanton for Planning, Design, and/or Construction of Project 3, 11 & 12 Combined Sewer Separation Project & Designating a Dedicated Repayment Source for the Loan and Declaring an Emergency


Ordinance 2023-05 Approving the Permanent Appropriations to Provide for the Current Expenses and Other Expenditures during the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2023; and Declaring an Emergency


Ordinance 2023-06 Abandoning Easement on Real Property Located at 3810 Waterville Swanton Road


Ordinance 2023-07 Specifying the Approval of Council of the Pending Annexation filed by Steven L. & Dawn M. McCaw with the Fulton County Commissioners

Ordinance 2023-08 Assessments for Leaf Collection

Ordinance 2023-09 Assessments for Street Lighting

Ordinance 2023-10 Emergency Ordinance 2023-10: Authorizing Village Administrator to enter into agreement with Republic Services

Ordinance 2023-11 Accepting Annexation of 3.23 Acre of Land, More or Less, in Swancreek Township to the Village of Swanton, Fulton County, Ohio, on Petition by Steven McCaw & Dawn McCaw.

Ordinance 2023-12 Amending Village Zoning Map by Amending the Zoning Classification for West Park in the Village of Swanton

Ordinance 2023-13 Amending Codified Ordinances § 30.03 Mayor’s Compensation and § 31.02 Council Compensation

Ordinance 2023-14 Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into an Agreement for the Project 3, 11 & 12 Sewer Separation and Declaring an Emergency

Ordinance 2023-15 Authorizing and Directing the Fire Chief and/or Village Administrator to Enter into an Agreement with the Secretary of the Air Force for Fire Protection Services; and Declaring an Emergency

Ordinance 2023-16 Resolution Approving Village Administrator to Enter into Agreement with Fulton County Commissioners Regarding Indigent Defense Services in County Court & Declaring an Emergency

Ordinance 2023-17 Establishing the Final Assessments for All Properties in The Village of Swanton, Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 727.01. Et Seq. For The Cost of Leaf Collection

Ordinance 2023-18 Establishing the Final Assessments for All Properties in The Village of Swanton, Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 727.01. Et Seq. For The Cost of Street Lighting

Ordinance 2023-19 Amending the Codified Ordinance Title XV: Land Usage Chapter 150 and Declaring an Emergency

Ordinance 2023-20 an Ordinance Authorizing the Village Administrator to Renew the Agreement for Countywide Emergency Management Agency and Declaring an Emergency

Ordinance 2023-21 Amend Chapter 35 of the Codified Ordinances of the Village of Swanton Regarding Municipal Income Tax and Declaring an Emergency

Ordinance 2023-22 Authorizing the Village Administrator and Mayor to Apply for, Accept and Enter into a Water Pollution Control Loan Fund (WPCLF) Agreement on Behalf of the Village of Swanton for Planning, Design, and/or Construction of the Screen/Headworks Improvement Project and Designating a Dedicated Repayment Source for the Loan and Declaring an Emergency.

Ordinance 2023-23 Providing for Temporary Appropriations to Provide for the Current Expenses and Other Expenditures During the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2024; and Declaring an Emergency

Ordinance 2023-24 Authorizing Village Administrator to Enter into an Agreement for the WRRF Screen/Headworks Project and Declaring an Emergency

Ordinance 2023-25 Repealing Ordinance 2015-27 which Established the Land Reutilization Program Pursuant to R.C. 5722 and Declaring an Emergency



Resolution 2024-01: Appointing Village Solicitor & Prosecutor, Authorizing Village Administrator to Enter into Agreement and Declaring an Emergency


Resolution 2024-02 Declaring the Intent to Sell Property by Internet Auction in 2024, and Declaring an Emergency

Resolution 2024-03 Authorizing the Submission and Support of an Application to Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Volunteer Fire Assistance Grant Program and Declaring an Emergency


Resolution 2024-04 Authorizing the Administration to Dispose of Certain Surplus Property Not Needed for and Municipal Purpose and Declaring an Emergency


Resolution 2024-05 Authorizing the Submission & Support of an Application to State of Ohio Fire Marshal- Fire Equipment Grant Program and Declaring an Emergency


Resolution 2024-06 Amending the Rules of Council and Declaring an Emergency


Resolution 2024-07 Authorizing the Submission and Support of an Application to FEMA for the Assistance for Firefighters Grant Program and Declaring an Emergency


Resolution 2024-08 Authorizing and Directing the Village Administrator to Enter into an Agreement with Klumm Brothers Waste Solutions for Refuse and Recycling Services, and Declaring an Emergency


Resolution 2024-09 Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into a Contract with the Board of Fulton County Commissioners, to Serve as Bail Bondsman for Fulton County Court, Eastern Division, from January 1, 2024 until Formally Terminated by Either Party and Declaring an Emergency


Resolution 2024-10 A Resolution Authorizing the Submission & Support of an Application to Walmart & Sam’s Club Local Community Grant and Declaring and Emergency


Resolution 2024-11 Approving the Mayor’s Appointments to the Village of Swanton Planning Commission and Declaring an Emergency


Resolution 2024-12 Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into an Agreement with Ohio Means Jobs Fulton County, Incumbent Worker Training program and Declaring an Emergency


Resolution 2024-13 Authorizing to Enter into an Agreement with Motorola Solutions and P&R Communications and Declaring an Emergency  


Resolution 2024-14 Authorizing the Submission and Support of an Application to Staffing for Adequate Firefighter and Emergency Response (S.A.F.E.R) Program and Declaring an Emergency


Resolution 2024-15 Certifying to the County Auditor an Assessment and Lien Upon 206 Cass Street in the Village of Swanton of Fulton County Ohio, and Declaring an Emergency


Resolution 2024-16 Certifying to the County Auditor an Assessment and Lien Upon 208 Carriage Lane in the Village of Swanton of Fulton County Ohio, and Declaring an Emergency


Resolution 2024-17 Authorizing the Submission and Support of an Application to Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation Firefighter Exposure to Environmental Elements Grant Program and Declaring an Emergency


Resolution 2024-18 Resolution 2024-18 a Resolution Repealing

Resolution 2024-15 a resolution certifying the county auditor an assessment and lien upon 206 Cass Street in the Village of Swanton Fulton County, Ohio, and declaring an emergency. 


Resolution 2024-19 Authorizing the Administration to Dispose of Certain Surplus Property Not Needed for and Municipal Purpose and Declaring an Emergency


Resolution 2024-20 Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into An Agreement with the Fulton County Board of Commissioners and the Fulton County Sheriff’s 911 Plan and Declaring an Emergency


Resolution 2024-21 Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into an Agreement with the Lucas County Solid Waste Management District’s Solid Waste Management Plan and Declaring an Emergency


Resolution 2024-22 Authorizing the Fire Chief and Fiscal Officer to Enter into an Agreement with Sutphen for Fire Apparatus and Declaring an Emergency


Resolution 2024-23 Authorizing the Fire Chief and Fiscal Officer to Enter into an Agreement with Leasing 2, Inc. for Fire Apparatus Financing and Declaring

an Emergency


Resolution 2024-24 Authorizing the Fire Chief and/or Village Administrator to Enter into an Agreement with the Providence Township Fire Department for Fire Protection Services


Resolution 2024-25 Authorizing the Village Fiscal Officer to Apply for United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Utilities Service for Grant and Loans and Declaring an Emergency


Resolution 2024-26 Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into an Agreement with Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) Dispute Resolution and Administrative Claims Process and Declaring an Emergency


Resolution 2024-27 Supporting the Ohio Commission for the United States Semiquincentennial (America 250-oh) 


Resoltuion 2024-28 A Resolution Approving the changes to the 2024 Village Of Swanton Personnel Manual And Declaring An Emergency


Resolution 2024-29 Certifying to the County Auditor an Assessment and Lien Upon 208 East St. Clair Street in the Village of Swanton of Fulton County Ohio, and Declaring an Emergency


Resolution 2024-30 Certifying to the County Auditor an Assessment and Lien Upon 209 W. Airport Highway in the Village of Swanton of Fulton County Ohio, and Declaring an Emergency


Resolution 2024-31 Authorizing the Administration to Dispose of Certain Surplus Property Not Needed for Any Municipal Purpose and Declaring an Emergency


Resolution 2024-32 Authorizing the Administration to Dispose of Certain Surplus Property Not Needed for Any Municipal Purpose (Engine 702) and Declaring an Emergency


Resolution 2024-33 Authorizing the Administration to Enter into a Sales Agreement with Ney-Washington Twp. Fire Department and Declaring an Emergency


Resolution 2024-34 Assigning the Address 308 Dodge Street to Fulton County Parcel 14-025244-00.000 also know as St. Richards Cemetery, in the Village of Swanton as requested by the 911 Coordinator of the Fulton County Sheriff’s

Office and Fulton County Auditor

Resolution 2024-35 An Ordinance Authorizing and Directing the Mayor and/or Village Administrator to Enter into an Easement Agreement with Martin B. And Elizabeth K. Kaback Relating to Fulton County Parcel Number 28-054940-00.000 Property Address 503 South Main Street and The Village of Swanton Owned Property

Resolution 2024-36 (Refer to Ordinance 2024-11


Resolution 2024-37 Adopting the Lucus County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan 

Resolution 2024-38 Authorizing the Administration to Dispose of Certain Surplus Property Not Needed for Any Municipal Purpose

Resolution 2024-39 Authorizing and Directing the Fire Chief and/or Village Administrator to Enter into an Agreement with Richfield Township Fire Department for Fire Protection Services


Resolution 2024-40 Authorizing the Village Administrator to Renew the Agreement for Countywide Emergency Management Agency

Resolution 2024-41 Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into an Agreement with Swanton Local School District and the Village of Swanton Police Department for the Purpose of a School Resource Officer (SRO) 


Resolution 2023-01: Declaring the Intent to Sell Property by Internet Auction in 2023

Resolution 2023-02 Approving The Mayor’s Appointments to the Swanton Tree Commission and Declaring an Emergency


Resolution 2023-03 A Resolution Amending the Rules of Council


Resolution 2023-04 Authorizing The Submission And Support Of An Application To the Ohio Department of Natural Resources- Volunteer Fire Assistance Grant Program


Resolution 2023-05: Authorizing The Submission and Support of an Application to State of Ohio Fire Marshal- Fire Equipment Grant Program


Resolution 2023-06: Authorizing the Submission and Support of an Application to the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency for a Public Water Equipment Grant and Declaring an Emergency


Resolution 2023-07: Authorizing the Submission and Support of an Application to the State of Ohio Department of Transportation Systemic Safety Program and Declaring an Emergency


Resolution 2023-08: Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into an Agreement with Soma Global, Inc. on Behalf of the Swanton Fire & Rescue Department and Declaring an Emergency


Resolution 2023-09: Authorizing the Submission and Support of an Application to FEMA for the Assistance for Firefighters Grant Program and Declaring an Emergency


Resolution 2023-10 Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into an Agreement with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Forestry on Behalf of the Village of Swanton and the Swanton Fire & Rescue Department


Resolution 2023-11 Approving the 2022-2023 Village of Swanton Personnel Manual


Resolution 2023-12 Authorizing the Village Administrator to Accept the Proposal and Enter into an Agreement for an Organizational Assessment Presented by the Ohio Fire Chiefs’ Association on Behalf of the Swanton Fire & Rescue Department


Resolution 2023-13 Authorizing the Administration to Dispose of Equipment by Donation to Fulton County Emergency Medical Services of Certain Surplus Property Not Needed for any Municipal Purpose


Resolution 2023-14 Authorizing the Village Administrator to Participate in the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) Road Salt Contract for the 2023-2024 Winter Season


Resolution 2023-15 Amending Resolution 2023-02 and Approving the Mayor’s Appointments to the Swanton Tree Commission

Resolution 2023-16 A Resolution Indicating the Village of Swanton, Fulton County Ohio will Provide Utilities, Fire & Police Protection Services to Certain Property Titled to Steven L. McCaw & Dawn M. McCaw Which Holders Are Seeking Annexation of said Property


Resolution 2023-17 Authorizing Village Administrator to Enter into an Agreement with Utility Service Co., Inc for the Renovation, Maintenance, and Repair of the Village’s 500,000 Gallon Elevated Water Storage Tank Known as “The Airport Tank”  


Resolution 2023-18 Authorizing Village Administrator to Enter into an Agreement with Swancreek Twp. Regarding Salt & Snow Removal


Resolution 2023-19 Authorizing the Submission and Support of an Application to TC Energy Build Strong Program for Grant Funding


Resolution 2023-20 Authorizing the Submission and Support of an Application to Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation for Grant Funding  


Resolution 2023-21 A Resolution Authorizing and Directing the Fire Chief and/or Village Administrator to Enter into an Agreement with the Delta Community Fire Department for Fire Protection Services


Resolution 2023-22 Authorizing Village Administrator to Enter into an Agreement for the Purchase of Real Estate Located within the Village of Swanton and Located at 419 South Main Street


Resolution 2023-23 Authorizing and Directing the Village Administrator to Enter into an Agreement with Earl Mechanical Services, Inc., for Preventative Maintenance of HVAC (Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning Systems


Resolution 2023-24 Authorizing the Submission and Support of an Application to the Gary Sinise Foundation First Responders Outreach Grant Funding


Resolution 2023-25 Authorizing The Village Administrator to Submit an Application to Participate in The Ohio Public Works Commission (OPWC) State Capital Improvement and/or Local Transportation Improvement Program(S) And to Enter into Any Agreements as Required for Crestwood Road Improvements and Declaring an Emergency


Resolution 2023-26 Resolution Declaring the Property Located at 208 Carriage Lane a Nuisance within the Village of Swanton and Authorizing the Abatement of Nuisance Property by the Village of Swanton, and Declaring an Emergency


Resolution 2023-27 Resolution Accepting the Amounts and Rates as Determined by The Budget Commission, Authorizing the Necessary Tax Levies and Certifying them to the County Auditor and Declaring an Emergency ORC 5705.34, .35


Resolution 2023-28 Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into an Agreement with Kleinfelder for Airport Highway Improvements and to perform Services Set Forth Through Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) Local Public Agencies (LPA) Scope of Services


Resolution 2023-29 Authorizing the Submission and Support of an Application to the State of Ohio Fire Marshal MARCS Grant Program


Resolution 2023-30 Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into a Contract Amendment with Fishbeck, Inc. to Add Construction Phase Oversight to the Scope of the Professional Services Agreement

Pursuant to R.C. 5722 and Declaring an Emergency

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